Monday, March 15, 2010

Kingdom of the Son Craft: Loaves & Fishes

Day 2 of the Kingdom of the Son VBS features the Bible story of Jesus’ miracle with the loaves and fishes and the left-over baskets of food. Here’s a craft you can use to help your students remember the Bible story and the memory verse. Copy the craft pattern for each child. This pattern is a download you can purchase for just $1.99. Then print as many patterns with instructions as you need.

Hand out scissors, markers, and tape. Also give each child a 2-inch square of construction paper. Let each child cut out a boy and the rectangle of baskets from the craft page. Have each child print the memory verse (or the Lord’s Prayer) on the back of the rectangle. Continue by following the directions on the craft page.

Encourage the children to show the craft to their friends and tell them about the miracle Jesus did and all the food that was left over. Show the students how to unfold the baskets as they tell the story, then turn the baskets over to show the memory verse or Lord’s Prayer.
Click on the image above to download the Loaves and Fishes Craft.

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