Monday, April 19, 2010

VBS Bulletin Board Ideas

A simple and attractive way to decorate your VBS rooms is with bulletin boards. Place the bulletin board(s) near the door so they will catch the children's interest as they enter. The hallways outside your rooms are also great places for bulletin boards and can be handy spots to post announcements and upcoming Bible club and all-church events. Some simple bulletin board ideas:
  • Cover the bulletin board with a large sheet of butcher paper, gift wrap, or cloth for a colorful background. Add a star trim border around the edges of the board for Hero Headquarters, waves of blue for High Seas Expedition, a rainforest border for SonQuest Rainforest, and.
  • Make a colorful border by cutting construction paper strips. You can be as creative as you want by cutting the border strips in fancy or decorative shapes. Add Bible stickers or glue star cutouts around the border to make it pop.
  • A three-dimensional effect is attractive to children. Make flowers out of egg carton cups. Put a layer of thick cardboard behind some of your bulletin board figures to make them stand out.
  • Attach materials to the bulletin boards using staples, as they are much more difficult for younger children to remove and swallow. Be sure that no loose staples are left on the floor after you've completed the board.
  • Make interactive bulletin boards: Mount a mirror on the board, covered with a piece of cloth. Place a picture of Jesus beside the mirror. Guide the children to the board. Ask, Who is important to Jesus? Look and see.
  • Make a bulletin board titled, “We are special to Jesus.” Mount a picture of Jesus and let each child draw a self-portrait to post next to the Jesus picture. Guide the children to the board and help them identify their classmates by name. 

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