Monday, May 17, 2010

High Seas VBS Craft: Peter in Prison Puppet

Reinforce your High Seas VBS Bible story with this fun puppet craft.

The Bible story on the first day of the High Seas Expedition VBS is from Acts 12:1-19, where God frees Peter from prison. Make a Peter in Prison Puppet craft to help your students remember the Bible story. 

Give each child an unsharpened pencil or a drinking straw, a plain paper cup, and two index cards. Provide markers and tape. Punch a hole in the bottom of each paper cup. Cover the work area with newspapers. Provide paper towels and wet wipes for clean up.

This puppet craft is a download you can purchase for just $1.99. Then print as many sets of instructions as you need. 

The Bible point for the first day of  the High Seas VBS is "God's Word is true." As the children work, talk about how God freed Peter from prison. Tell the children that God is with us when we go through hard times, and all His Words are true. 

Explain that Peter was put in prison, but God freed him from the prison. Even after Peter was freed from prison, he kept telling people about Jesus. Peter was faithful to God, even when things got hard for him. Encourage the children to be faithful to God, too.

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