Monday, June 28, 2010

VBS Memory Verse Coloring Pages

Here are some coloring pages we’ve created for the 2010 VBS programs.

For each program, there is a coloring page for every day of VBS—a total of five pages. Each coloring page has the daily memory verse and the Bible theme. You can feel free to shorten the verse by whiting out the final phrase before copying the coloring page. Each coloring page shows a picture to complement the Bible memory verse for that day. The coloring pages come in sets of five pages for just $1.99 per set. The best part is, you can make as many copies as you need!

For Egypt, there is a set of coloring pages for the New Living Translation and a separate set for the New International Version. (The NLT is the version used on the Bible memory makers.) On most pages, we included the entire NIV verse. 

(Click on the images above to go to the download pages—NLT is on the left and NIV is on the right.)

For your sea-themed VBS, there is a set of coloring pages for the New Living Translation and a separate set for the  New International Version. (The NLT is the version used on the Bible memory posters.) 

(Click on the images above to download the pages—
NLT is on the left and NIV is on the right)

For the Heroes VBS, every coloring page has a portion of the daily memory verse, I Timothy 4:12. Each day we've added a few more words to the verse so by Day 5 the entire verse is shown. There is a set of coloring pages for the New International Version and a separate set for the King James Version. (These are the versions used on the Bible memory posters.) 
(Click the images above to download the pages—
KJV is on the left and the NIV is on the right)

For the Rainforest VBS, each coloring page has the daily memory verse (in the New International Version). Some of the verses are shortened for easier memorizing. 
(Click image above to download the Rainforest coloring pages)

For your safari VBS, there is a set of coloring pages for the New International Version and a separate set for the King James Version. (The King James Version is used on the teaching visuals, bookmarks, and other Kingdom of the Son printed materials.) In addition, Gospel Light has a Coloring Poster you can print and copy for your students. It has a place for them to put their name and age and it features the Kingdom of the Son logo. You may want to make a coloring booklet for each child with the Coloring Poster on top, followed by the coloring pages for each day. 

(Click on the images above to download the
safari-themed pages—
 KJV is on the left and NIV is on the right)

For your Kids Camp VBS, there is a set of coloring pages for the New International Version and a separate set for the King James Version. Each coloring page has the daily memory verse and the lesson focus. In addition, Gospel Light has a Coloring Poster you can print and copy for your students. It has a place for them to put their name and age and it features the SonRock logo. You may want to make a coloring booklet for each child with the Coloring Poster on top, followed by the coloring pages for each day. At the end of your VBS week, your students will have a booklet with all five of the memory verses—a fun keepsake reminder of their week at vacation Bible school.


(Click on the images above to download the pages—
KJV is on the left and NIV is on the right)

If you’d like to take a look at any of these VBS Starter Kits, visit Shop VBS for more information and to order your starter kits. Also check out the coupons and additional VBS downloads.

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