Monday, July 19, 2010

VBS Volunteer Appreciation Ideas

Here are some easy ways to show your VBS volunteers how much you appreciate them.
Duplicate the green and purple cards below onto poster board or card stock and cut them into fourths. Tape a chocolate crunch bar over the word CRUNCH on each card. Prepare the cards before your VBS week so they are ready to hand out  to your volunteers during the week. Make a few extras in case you have last-minute helpers. Have students hand out the cards to your adult volunteers.

Also print the thank-you cards below. Cut them in half between the Thanks! signs. Then fold each card in half so the Thanks! image is on the outside. Print the cards before your VBS week. You may want to write a personal note or Scripture verse inside. Hand the cards out to your volunteers on the last day of your VBS (or the Sunday after your VBS) along with a personal word of thanks. If you don't mind paying postage, you can also mail the cards using small, note-size envelopes. Feel free to edit the wording as you wish.

May God help you encourage your volunteers this summer.

Click on the images above for a larger view.

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