Monday, October 11, 2010

Nazareth VBS Coloring Pages

Here are some coloring pages we’ve created for the Hometown Nazareth VBS. There is a coloring page for each day—a total of five — plus the cover sheet. Each coloring page has the daily memory verse and the lesson focus. There is a set of coloring pages for the New International Version and a separate set for the New Living Translation and the King James Version. (The New Living Translation is used on the memory makers and other Hometown Nazareth printed materials.) If you use a different Bible version than the ones given, feel free to cut off or white out the verse and replace it with the version you prefer. Each coloring page shows a picture of the Bible story or children learning about God's Word.

You may want to make a coloring booklet for each child with the cover on top, followed by the coloring pages for each day. At the end of your VBS week, your students will have a booklet with the entire VBS points and memory verses—a fun keepsake reminder of their week at Hometown Nazareth Vacation Bible School.

Check back each week for additional coloring pages—we’re working on a set for the other 2011 VBS programs. If you have another VBS program for which you’d like coloring pages, just leave a comment.

If you’d like to take a look at any of these VBS Starter Kits, visit Shop VBS for more information and to order your Starter Kits.

You can make as many copies of these coloring pages as you need for your VBS program. May God bless you as you prepare to teach children (and their families) about how much God loves them!

(Click on the images above to download the pages—
KJV is on the top left, NIV is on the right, and NLT is on the bottom)

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