Monday, November 29, 2010

2011 VBS Invitations for Kids

Outreach Idea: Main Street VBS and SonSurf VBS Invitations for Kids to Color

Here’s an invitation your students can color to invite their friends to come to VBS this summer. Copy or print one page for each child. Print your VBS information (date, time, place, ages, cost, etc.) on the back of each sheet. Print the information twice on each sheet so it backs up on the two invitation images. Then cut the sheets in half. Give one or two to each child. Let the child color the sheet(s) and personally give one to each friend he’d like to invite to VBS.

Print the invitation on the top for your main street VBS and the invitation on the bottom for your surf-themed VBS. Use these invitations before your VBS, but also print some to give to your attendees on the first day. Kids will be excited to tell their friends what's happening at Vacation Bible School as they hand out the invitations after their first day of VBS.

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