Monday, November 1, 2010

Go Fish Guys 2011 VBS: Kickin' It Old School

In a world that is always searching for the “next big thing”, some things will never change and can never be improved upon. God, His Promises, His Word, and the Gospel are unchangeable, which is why the Go Fish Guys invite you to KICK IT OLD SCHOOL!

With Kickin’ It Old School, the Go Fish Guys continue with their concert theme, but with an 80s, retro hip-hop influence! Once again, your leaders and kids will be “hands on” with the Bible. This program is not dependent on the theme, the music, or the Go Fish Guys. It’s all about the Bible which means that it WILL be effective!

Using classic hymns from their new CD Kickin’ It Old School, your kids will love the new songs, videos, and karaoke times!

Your kids will travel through the Old Testament as well as the New Testament to learn several attributes of God. From Adam and Eve to the Passover to the building of the tabernacle to Jesus on the cross, your kids will learn how God’s holiness and separation from sin have never changed. Kids churched and unchurched alike will hear and understand the Gospel in a whole new way. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It’s time to kick it old school!

Here's an overview of the Kickin' It Old School VBS program. Click on the image below for a larger view. Visit Shop VBS for previews of more 2011 VBS programs and special offers.

Below is a list of the daily themes that go along with each day of the Kickin’ It Old School VBS (hi-res posters are FREE in digital format with curriculum). You can also download the Day 1 Bible Lesson for FREE by visiting our website,

Day 1 - This Is My Father's World - God Is Our Creator

Day 2 - Before The Throne Of God - God Is Our King

Day 3 - I Love To Tell The Story - Jesus Is Our Savior

Day 4 - I'm A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord - God Is Our Truth

Day 5 - The Solid Rock - God Is Our Rock

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