Tuesday, January 11, 2011

VBS Registration Ideas

One of the most-asked questions for Vacation Bible school planning is, "How will I know how many kids to expect for VBS?" You can help solve this problem by registering kids early and offering a free gift when they sign up. A bookmark, pencil, T-shirt, discount, or CD of the VBS music encourages parents to register early. Plus, giving an incentive builds excitement for your theme. As other families see the incentives you're giving, they also become eager to turn in their own registrations.

Of course, you'll want to order plenty of supplies for those kids who register at the last minute and for visitors who show up on the first day of VBS. Here's a registration form you can copy and use with your own VBS program. Cut the cards apart and give them to parents when they register their children.

The card contains a place to record emergency information and has a section to list allergies and other medical conditions your students may have. For any child with allergies, create a special, brightly colored name badge with the allergies listed so all leaders and helpers are aware of the allergies and don’t inadvertently give the child something that might cause an allergic reaction.

Click on the image above for a larger view.

If you're still trying to decide which VBS to choose for 2011, visit Shop VBS for free samples, music and video clips, and Scripture listings. You'll also find money-saving coupons and special offers. Having your theme picked out and your director's manual in hand will help you with recruiting volunteers and planning.

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