Monday, February 21, 2011

Main Street VBS Ideas

The large Main Street Color-It Mural for Inside Out and Upside Down on Main Street is a great way to involve all your kids! Let children color it before VBS to introduce them to the theme (and help decorate your VBS rooms). Or you can hang it during VBS and have students color it as they arrive. Tape one to the wall in your preschool room (at the children’s eye level) and let your little ones add Main Street Stickers and color the mural during their free play times.

Cover your tables with the Super-Fun Activity TableclothKeep kids active and engaged with this 47" x 72" tablecloth that can be used again and again. Provide dry-erase markers for the children to use to do the puzzles while they wait for the next activity or after finishing their snack or craft.

These bus passes (with lanyards) are great name tags! Use them to help kids get to Main Street and use stickers on the backs of name tags when kids report how they're living out the Word on the Street.

Kids will love collecting the Bible Pin Pals to wear on their ball caps or lanyards. There is a pin for each day of your 5-day VBS program. Each pin includes the Scripture reference for the day and a fun logo to help the kids remember the daily Bible story. Pin Pals come in sets of 5 different pins. Order one set for each child. Each day, have a leader show the children the pin for that day and help them review the Bible story (and memory verse portion) that goes with it. 

Before VBS begins, gather additional pins for each of your leaders to wear. Give your leaders a Main Street Hat (blue ball cap), too. (Ask church families to donate old pins; make sure none have sharp edges.) Display the pins on the leaders' ball caps. Watch for kids who are being kind and helpful each day during your VBS. Then let the kind child choose a pin from those his leader is wearing. Some children may want to trade pins with VBS leaders during the week. Build excitement by featuring a pin trading post that children can visit during their snack time or before and after VBS each day. Kids love to collect pins to wear on their ball caps or lanyards during the week. 

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