Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Preschool Jesus in Nazareth VBS

Use this new Jesus in Nazareth Preschool VBS from Christian Ed. Publishers to supplement your elementary  Hometown Nazareth VBS program this summer. Written especially for 2- to 5-year-olds, this five-day preschool VBS program from Christian Ed Publishers includes Bible stories, snacks, crafts, and games with reproducible student sheets and colorful visuals on CD-ROM. Your little ones can travel to the Marketplace before the older children but can also enjoy the stories of Jesus (from birth to resurrection) written at their own level. Crafts and games in the Preschool Leader’s Guide are preschool-friendly.

The preschool VBS program is completely flexible and makes a wonderful supplement to your elementary program. So if you want to have your preschoolers play some of the “Pyramid Playground” games planned for the elementary children, they can! (The Fun and Games Leader Manual and the Shopkeeper Leader Manual for the Marketplace are sold separately.) Jesus in Nazareth Preschool VBS is a great way to include your younger children with activities written just for them.

The Preschool VBS Leader’s Guide includes decorating ideas, tips for working with preschoolers, a suggested rotation schedule, and a reproducible preschool sign-in sheet. The CD-ROM contains separate job descriptions for your Snack Leader, Bible Story Leader, Games Leader, and Crafts Leader. You can print instructions for the leaders each day of your VBS so they can collect any needed supplies and decide which options to use. The CD-ROM also includes registration cards, safety tips, a course overview, coloring pages with NLT, NIV and KJV memory verses, “How to Lead a Child to Christ,” storytelling tips, recruiting ideas, and lots more.

Preview samples and take a look at the contents of this VBS written especially for preschoolers. Jesus in Nazareth Preschool VBS from Christian Ed. Publishers includes a Preschool Leader’s Guide plus CD-ROM...all for only $29.95! Bring the feel of ancient Nazareth to your preschool VBS this summer, and help your little ones understand that God sent His Son to live and die and come alive again for them. May God bless you as you begin your VBS adventure in Nazareth and teach children (and families) about God's Son, Jesus!

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