Monday, June 6, 2011

SonSurf Beach Bash VBS Active Relay Game

Here's a fun, active relay for your SonSurf Beach Bash VBS. Divide the students into teams. Provide a sponge and a clear jar for each team. Mark a start line at one end of the play area. Place a bucket of water for each team at the start line. 

Place a clear jar for each team at the other end of the play area. Give the first player on each team a sponge. At your signal, the players, dip their sponges in the water, race to the clear jar, and squeeze out as much water as possible into the jar. 

The players then race back to the next player on their team and hand him the sponge. That player dips the sponge into the water, races to the clear jar, and squeezes out as much water as possible into the jar. The player then runs back and hands the sponge to the next player on the team. Play continues until one jar is filled to overflowing with water. That team wins the game. Pour out the water from the jars and play as many rounds as time allows.

Encourage good sportsmanship and teamwork as the children play. Compliment those who cheer on others and use kind words.

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