Print this thank-you card to let your VBS volunteers know they are appreciated. Feel free to replace the star with your own VBS logo. Then copy or print the page for every two workers and cut the page in half. Fold each card in half and add a personal note or VBS memory inside.
For an inexpensive gift, purchase an
All-Stars for Jesus water bottle for each of your volunteers. Place a plastic bag of chocolate hugs or jellybeans or a single-serving sports drink mix inside. Twist the lid back on. Punch a hole in the card and slip a ribbon through the hole. Tie the ribbon around the water bottle. Give a bottle to each of your workers on the last day of VBS (or midweek so they can use the water bottle during VBS). Explain that you appreciated the way the volunteers helped the children feel like stars in Jesus' eyes. Then present a bottle to each worker.
Click on the image above to download the card.
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