Monday, January 23, 2012

Go Fish Guys 2012: Praise VBS

Praise VBS: Where Kids Get Down And Lift God High

How do you give kids a high view of God? Go Fish believes it is by modeling a high view of Scripture. As churches have come to expect, the complete curriculum kit contains everything you need to run your VBS program, including all print and promotional materials on an easy to use CD-ROM.

This is the third curriculum from Go Fish and it is evident that churches have gravitated to their unique approach to VBS. Each day kids will focus on an attribute of God (Greatness, Authority, Providence, Power & Love) and then praise Him in response. Kids will be actively using their Bibles during Praise VBS. Through the daily skits, karaoke, crafts, snacks, games, and music, kids will have an awesome time while giving God the praise only He deserves. 

Featuring music from Go Fish along with Denver and the Mile High Orchestra, your kids will be movin’ and groovin’ to the praise music. Kids will love the animated character DJ Pray-Z as he leads them each day in learning some sweet new moves while learning that they exist to give God praise!

Praise VBS challenges kids to respond to God's sacrificial love with love, trust, and courageous obedience.

Praise VBS Starter Kit: $159.00 (Reg. $199.00)

Take a look at the  Praise VBS course overview below. Check back for VBS updates and new blog posts each week. Visit Shop VBS to see all of the 2012 VBS programs and special offers.

Praise VBS Course Overview
Day 1 - Praise God For His Greatness
Scripture Focus: Daniel 2-3, Isaiah 42:8
There is no object in heaven or on earth that is worthy of our praise. After studying the biblical account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, kids will see that even King Nebuchadnezzar ended up giving praise to the one true God.
Day 2: Praise God For His Authority
Scripture Focus: Daniel 6, 2 Chronicles 20:6
There is no man that is worthy of our praise. After studying the biblical account of Daniel and the lion’s den, kids will see that even King Darius ended up giving praise to the one true God.
Day 3: Praise God For His Providence
Scripture Focus: Acts 16:16-34, Psalm 121
Even evil spirits acknowledge that there is only one true God. After Paul and Silas are thrown into jail for confronting an evil spirit they were beaten, put into shackles, and imprisoned. Once again the result was praise to God by Paul, Silas, their jailer and even his family!
Day 4: Praise God For His Power
Scripture Focus: Luke 24:1-8, Romans 6:22-23
There is nobody else who has the power to save. We are all prisoners to sin, but just like Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Daniel, Paul, and Silas we can be rescued from our shackles and give God the praise only He deserves.
Day 5: Praise God For His Love
Scripture Focus: Romans 8:39, 1 John 4:9-10, Galatians 4:6-7
God is love. His ultimate demonstration of this was sending Jesus to earth to take the punishment we deserve for our sin. By providing a way for us to be forgiven, God’s love naturally results in our giving praise back to Him. The gospel will be clearly presented on this most important day.

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