Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Group's 2012 Weekend VBS: Rocky Point Lighthouse

Rocky Point Weekend VBS from Group PublishingRocky Point Lighthouse, Group's Weekend VBS™, is designed for churches that haven't done VBS, are considering skipping VBS, or can't get enough VBS! Kids learn to shine God's light during this easy VBS.
  • Perfect for churches where a traditional 5-day VBS isn't the answer!
  • Fits any church's schedule and budget!
  • Plan for just 6 hours total! (includes a 1-hour Sunday Celebration) 
  • Use as a preview for your 5-day summer VBS—to attract visitors
Your Weekend VBS Kit comes complete with all you need to get started. Director and Leader Manuals provide step-by-step instructions. Plus, you’ll get student resource samples and essential media tools.

You can do a weekend VBS as a 3-day preview to get families excited about your traditional VBS. It also works great to hold before your back-to-school fall events to introduce neighborhood kids to the wonderful programs your church offers its families.

Helpful music & media tools are included in your Starter Kit! The Music Leader Version CD includes all 5 Rocky Point Lighthouse songs, and the 2-disc set gives you instrument-only tracks and bonus "Seacoast Sounds". Plus, the Program Resources DVD will allow you to see Rocky Point Lighthouse in action, includes 2 "kid story" segments to show during each session’s Lighthouse Landing...and more!

Your student resource samples will guide you in selecting the most critical (and fun) program products for your VBS kids. Inside your sample pack you’ll find Rocky, the Bible Memory Buddy, a "Shine God’s Light" Wristband, a "Shine God’s Light" Poster & Sticker set...and four other great samples!

Rocky Point Lighthouse Starter Kit: $58.49

Check back for VBS updates and new blog posts each week. Visit Shop VBS to see all of the 2012 VBS programs and special offers. Plus download your FREE VBS Planning Guide.

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